Sunday, August 25, 2013

Off Air Update

Hi. Remember we went off air for a bit? Well went to Queensland on a holiday. Turned out to be a comedy of errors.
It started when our plane was delayed, then spent further time circling the Gold Coast. We didn't get back to mum's til midnight. Thankfully Mum leant us the Silver Swan (1980s Camry) which is a spare car just for this type of occasion. This meant we were able to be independent which was fantastic. By the 3rd night Arthur was in Nambour hospital. I promise I will never complain about the LGH again. It is a 5 star resort in comparison. We were staying with my dear friend Kate who held the fort for me with our two biggies and her two (what a woman). In fact she spoiled us all rotten the entire 5 days we were there-the food was amazing, and she managed to cater for the gluten free vegetarian low GI requirements like a pro. In fact the cooking was magnificent. Ingrid and Mia chased the chooks most days (hmmm there was a curious lack of egg sandwiches on the menu though. Shame. She makes THE BEST egg sangas!!!). While the boys leggoed to their hearts content.
We then cruised down to Brissy to pick daddy up and had a few days at Kingscliff. Poor Sam came straight off night shift and little Arthur bear was still requiring ventolin during the night and we were all in the same very small room together. Made for a bit of a (understandingly) grumpy Papa Bear!!!
We had a lovely day eating our way round the Byron farmers market. We then headed down to Lennox and ran into an old friend. Then we stopped at Bangalow for arvo tea en route back to the caravan park. I drove the last leg while everyone we had a snooz. Poor George had some sort of reaction to something and when we got back he had such a swollen face the poor thing couldn't talk properly. He was white as a ghost too.
Then it was onto Grandpa James' new bachelor pad at Burleigh Heads for a few nights. I managed to lock the keys, my wallet, phone and ALL the groceries in the Silver Swan at Robina Shopping Centre. Poor James had to leave a meeting early to come and help. We ended up having to smash a window to get in (they don't make em like that any more). We did manage to find a wreckers yard with a spare window which was lucky!! We had such a lovely time at GPJ's, though the highlight for the kids was the pool and the beach. We also took him down to the farm for a day. We built fires and the kids rode in the back of his ute and played in dirt (Arthur ate dirt) and generally had a wow of a time. Before we knew it, the week was over and Daddy was back on the plane. The rest of us headed back up the hill to Mums. She was still at the wedding in Bali for the first few days. And guess what? It rained everyone of those days. We did have one rainy day playing twister with Max & Helen which was a hoot. We also had an encounter with a baby salt water croc. Arthur promptly put its tail in his mouth and bit, hard.
It was worth all the rain to see mum for a couple of days before we once again met daddy at the airport and all flew home again. Where it has rained for 4 1/2 weeks straight!! x

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Every Little Boys Dream

George's class has been exploring our community. As part of this they have been going on class excursions to parents workplaces. Sam's dad is a fireman....

Monday, August 19, 2013

Glam Gladys

Ahh it's glam being a housewife ain't it!! We've had the wettest August in town for a couple of decades. This is my mountain to tackle today....and my little assistant who seems to feel the washing machine is an exciting contraption from side show alley-maybe like the Big Dipper?

Who to Vote For

So it's been a while. I've got sooo much to write about - BUT with the election looming I have been a little amused about a few things...
I'm just watching a story about the Bob Katter Party on ABC's 7:30. Country singer James Blundell has joined the party. When asked what strengths the part had his had his response was:
"We don't have any prior records"
Huh? He went on to explain that
"It may not sound like much of an advantage, but yeah it is at the moment I mean, nobody can judge us on anything we've done wrong in the past".
Yeah right. It's ok James, some of us already know Katter is a mad hatter.
Just like anyone with half a brain knows Tony Abbott is a sexist conservative twit who, honestly if he was a good representation of the average Australian I might just consider a move to New Zealand - and the South Island at that!!!! Brrrr. If you missed it, when recently asked about a female liberal candidate's strengths Big Tone noted her 'sex appeal' among the list of attributes.
A blog titled What's The Run Dude has published 16 reasons why Tony Abbot shouldn't become Prime Minister. Well worth a read. According to Liam, Tony has stated:
‘I think it would be folly to expect that women will ever dominate or even approach equal representation in a large number of areas simply because their aptitudes, abilities and interests are different for physiological reasons’
Really. He is pretty talented. I mean he can even turn the price of carbon into a sexist comment:
'What the housewives of Australia need to understand as they do the ironing is that if they get it done commercially it’s going to go up in price and their own power bills when they switch the iron on are going to go up, every year…’
But then this is someone who has referred to climate change as 'crap'.
Lets give him some credit - it's not just women who threaten him....he doesn't like poofs either:
'If you’d asked me for advice I would have said to have – adopt a sort of “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy about all of these things…’
Or abos...
'Now, I know that there are some Aboriginal people who aren’t happy with Australia Day. For them it remains Invasion Day. I think a better view is the view of Noel Pearson, who has said that Aboriginal people have much to celebrate in this country’s British Heritage’
Or those pesky people who keep risking life and limb on the high seas....
'These people aren’t so much seeking asylum, they’re seeking permanent residency. If they were happy with temporary protection visas, then they might be able to argue better that they were asylum seekers’

But enough of Tony. I think the big issue for me is that I know who I DON'T want to vote for. The list is quite long. Problem is that the list for whom I WOULD like to vote for looks a little like this:


Wednesday, August 14, 2013